Exploring CHERIoT RTOS

CHERIoT RTOS Orientation

All the software in this repository runs on the CHERIoT RTOS, which is pulled in at the root of this repository as a submodule named cheriot-rtos. The CHERIoT Programmer's Guide contains most of what a programmer would need to know to use the RTOS.

The different boards supported can be found in cheriot-rtos/sdk/boards/, of particular interest will be the Sonata's description in sonata.json. More on board descriptions can be found in cheriot-rtos/docs/BoardDescriptions.md. The drivers (structures that map onto a peripherals' MMIO) add functionality can be found in cheriot-rtos/sdk/include/platform/; the Sonata/Sunburst specific peripherals can be found in sunburst/ within the aforementioned directory.

To explore the various utility libraries available, look through cheriot-rtos/sdk/include/. When first starting to explore capabilities, the CHERI::Capability class is useful for pointer introspection.

Build System

The CHERIoT RTOS uses xmake as it's build system. The main rules you'll use are compartment and library, for creating compartments and libraries, as well as the firmware rule for creating a firmware image. Documentation on these can be found in the CHERIoT RTOS' readme under 'building firmware images'. For examples of using these rules, look at a root xmake.lua file, such as examples/xmake.lua, and in the subdirectories it includes with the includes function. Note, we run an additional convert_to_uf2 function on our firmware images to create UF2 files in this repository.

Building an upstream CHERIoT RTOS example

The examples in cheriot-rtos/examples provide a nice tour of the different ways compartments can interact. These can be built by pointing xmake to the example one wants to build, as shown below:

# Run from the root of the sonata-software repository
xmake -P cheriot-rtos/examples/05.sealing/

Where's my UF2?

If you've followed the 'running software on the FPGA' guide, you'll expect UF2 files as part of the build artefacts but these aren't automatically created in the cheriot-rtos repository. Thankfully, this repository includes a ./scripts/elf-to-uf2.sh script that converts an ELF into a firmware a UF2 file.

xmake -P cheriot-rtos/examples/05.sealing/
scripts/elf-to-uf2.sh build/cheriot/cheriot/release/sealing